I've just undergone a change of name for my blog.
Strangely enough, I couldn't work out why my blog had one name and my website address had something completely different. I tried to change the address to suit the original blog name 'L is for...' but that was already taken. Who'd have thought anyone else would be using this? So after trying about ten variations on addresses, I typed in 'Louise was here' and voila! It was available. Seriously? That is available but 'L is for' is not?
Right before this discovery, I was working on a blog header design and had been through a bunch of L-words that I hoped would encompass possible future blog entries:-
Layouts: Part of my background as a musician (which is my field of employment) has meant that
I'm also creative in other areas. This has led me to start working on
digital layouts in the past year or so. Before this, I've had just about
every creative hobby you can think of. For now, I'm sharing just the digital layouts.
Learning: Education- both formal and informal- completely drives me. I believe that we should always be prepared to learn. If we have a teachable heart, we can never stop learning. I am passionate about learning in every situation- from relationships, to new pursuits, to learning to become a better teacher. I love learning how the brain works and how I can best utilise that information when teaching. It really is fascinating.
Losing weight: I'm currently on a major weight-loss plan having just undergone a sleeve gastrectomy operation. (I'll post on that fairly soon, though it will probably become a separate blog.)
Losing the clutter: I've been (very slowly) decluttering my home. That would be a long series of posts with before/after pics although I haven't been too good with the before pics so far! I'm not a great photographer so that is holding me back a little.
Listening: I do love my music (and it is my work as I teach) so I
though it would be most fitting to share some of my favourite musicians
and music.
Lalala: Okay- not really a word but I had to have something to describe my love for singing and music. I know 'listening' covers some parts of this, but creating and performing are just as important to me. Never know, I might actually get around to sharing some songs I've written or sharing a tip or two on playing an instrument, singing or performing. That's not really the aim of this blog but at this stage, I don't really know where it may lead.
Despite no longer having to stick to words starting with 'L,' I'm sure I'll still get around to posting on these topics. They are all parts of me that I cannot hide. There's no point tip-toeing around subjects which are sure to come to the forefront in one way or another.
For now, the blog is mostly just my ramblings and a place to share some of the digitial designs I've produces. I did start the blog three years ago with the intent to focus on the workings of life but since having only posted thrice in those three years, my perspective on this has changed.
Thus, I think I'm settled with the new blog title. 'Louise was here' should sum up where I've taken my breaths through life and some of the insignificant memories I will leave imprinted on this planet.
I would have liked to have thought of something which doesn't use my name but I can't think of anything that will be general enough. I don't intend for it to be egotistical- so it's not all about 'Louise' being seen or heard. It's more about where I leave my DNA- what I've dabbled in, impressions I've left behind and experiences I've walked through. It really is more a memoir for myself. If you happen to enjoy reading or using some of my materials, then you are most welcome.
cheerio, Lou
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